Many women take a long time carefully choosing the right cosmetics to suit their complexion and enhance their looks, but will just grab the first …
4 Dietary Pitfalls That Lower Your Testosterone Levels
While it’s normal for testosterone levels to decrease as you age, the rate of decline seems to be at an all-time high. Today, men’s testosterone …
The Dangers of Iron Deficiency
What is one of the most common ailments for vegans and vegetarians? If you guessed iron deficiency - you are correct. Iron in one of the most …
7 Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Out of Whack
The bacteria in your gut can be one of your strongest allies in getting healthy… or it can be one of your worst enemies. Most people don’t realize it, …
Vitamin E: Facts You Need to Know
When one thinks of vitamins, there are some usual candidates that land at the top of the queue. Vitamin C, vitamin D, maybe some of the B vitamins. …
What’s Wrong With the American Diet?
It has come to the attention of many health-conscious people that there are many problems with the American diet and that we are digging ourselves …
8 Fantastic Foods to Heal Your Gut
If you’re struggling with chronic digestive problems, autoimmune disease, or chronic inflammation, then it is very likely your gut is damaged. All …
Why Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat
Let's address the absolutely ridiculous idea that fat makes you fat. If fat made people fat, wouldn’t anyone who ever consumed lots of extra virgin …
4 Paleo Foods to Avoid if You Struggle with Digestive Issues
As one who has struggled with chronic digestive issues for over a decade, I have learned a thing or two about the relationship between food and the …
Why You Need Niacin
Also known as vitamin B3, niacin is great for cardiovascular health, healthy skin, and so much more. The B vitamin family typically works best …
Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Cholesterol
Introduction For the entirety of my lifetime, cholesterol has been demonized, claimed as the worst thing in the world and something to avoid at all …
Why You Need More Magnesium
Most of my clients are shocked to learn that they are deficient in magnesium. But I'm never surprised: that's because over 75% of them receive this …