We’re bringing you another twist on the 7-Minute Workout using the classic jump rope. Stash it in your gym bag or purse for an easy way to build strength and agility anywhere!
For this workout you will need a jump rope, a set of dumbbells and a chair or bench. Move as quickly as possible from one exercise to the next with NO rest — it’ll all be over in just seven minutes!
Benefits of Jumping Rope
- Improves cardiovascular health – Like any aerobic exercise, your lungs and heart will be pumping to keep oxygen flowing to your muscles. The increase in your heart rate is like a workout for your heart and lungs, making them stronger too. With a strong and healthy heart, you’ll be able deliver more blood to your body with each pump, making less strenuous tasks, like walking up the stairs, a breeze.
- Improves coordination, agility, and speed – Jumping rope requires focus and connects your muscles to your brain. Your brain must communicate with your arms and legs simultaneously to turn the rope and hop off the ground. This ignites your neuromuscular system, and the fancier you get with your jumping, the more coordinated you become. (1)
- Strengthens your ankles and feet – Jumping rope not only improves your foot coordination, it also strengthens the muscles in your feet and those surrounding your ankle joints. This can help decrease the chance of injury. And because jump roping is done with both feet landing at the same time, there may even be a lower risk of knee damage when compared to running. (2)
- Completely portable – You can jump rope just about anywhere you have the space: at home or when you travel. It’s also great for outdoor workouts! Jump ropes are easy to carry with you wherever you go and they’re one of the cheapest pieces of workout equipment on the market.
0:00 – 0:30
Singles – Let’s get jumping! Jump over the rope with your feet together, jumping once per turn. Make sure you land softly and your feet are not pounding on the ground. Keep your chest lifted, and stay as relaxed as possible throughout your body. Don’t make it harder than it needs to be!
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0:30 – 1:00
Squats – Bring feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and knees and toes slightly turned out. Place your hands behind your head and retract your shoulders together to open the chest. Squat down, sitting back as if sitting into a chair, keeping the weight in the heels and the chest open. Power through the heels to come back up to standing, squeezing the glutes at the top.

1:00 – 1:30
Single Leg Jumps (RIGHT) – Jump continuously on your right leg for 30 seconds. Keep your left foot lifted about 6 inches off the ground. Remember to land softly!
1:30 – 2:00
Right Leg Lunges – Begin with your feet together and take a big step behind you with your LEFT leg, keeping your LEFT heel off of the floor, and your weight in your RIGHT leg. Slowly bend both knees, lowering your body straight down until both knees are at 90-degree angles and keeping your front knee over your heel. Push down through your front heel as you stand back up, keeping your feet in the lunge stance. Complete 10-20 repetitions.

2:00 – 2:30
Single Leg Jumps (LEFT) – Repeat the single leg jumps, only this time jump using the left leg. Keep in mind one side will usually be better than the other, and if you’re right-handed, this will probably be your weaker side.
2:30 – 3:00
Left Leg Lunges – Repeat the lunge described above, only with the LEFT foot in front this time.

3:00 – 3:30
Front Back – Jump up with your feet together, moving 6 inches forward over the rope. On the next turn, jump back 6 inches. Continue jumping once per turn, forward and back.
3:30 – 4:00
Push Ups – Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and directly under your shoulders. Keep your abs engaged and lower down into a push-up, making sure to keep your elbows in close by your waistline. Press through your palms to push up. Make sure to keep your abs tight through the push. Perform 10-20 push-ups, depending on your strength. You can modify this exercise by dropping your knees to the floor.

Jumping Jacks – Jump over the rope and land with your feet wider than hip-width apart. On your next jump, land with your feet together. Continue jumping, alternating between feet apart and feet together at every jump.
4:30 – 5:00
Renegade Rows – Start in a plank position holding the dumbbells with your palms facing in. Your feet can be slightly wider in this plank to help you maintain stability. Without letting your hips move too much, row your RIGHT arm up leading with the elbow and pulling the weight up towards your shoulder. Lower back to the floor, into your plank. Repeat on the other side rowing the LEFT arm up. Complete 10 repetitions on each arm.

5:00 – 5:30
Running – Run in place while turning the rope. The rope should pass under one foot at a time. Make sure to get those knees up!
5:30 – 6:00
Tricep Dips – Sit on the edge of the chair or table, and place your hands on the edge so that your fingers are hanging off, facing towards you. Lift your hips off just in front of the chair, with your shoulders over your wrists. Bend your elbows and lower down, making sure to keep your elbows pressed back and your chest lifted (don’t “sink” into your shoulders). Press back up using the backs of your arms. Complete 10-15 repetitions.

6:00 – 6:30
Double Unders – You gotta be FAST for this one! Jump high enough to pass the rope under your feet TWICE before landing. If you’re still a newbie, return back to singles until can get your speed up!
6:30 – 7:00
Bicycles – Lay on your back on the mat and place your hands behind your head. Bring your knees up in a 90-degree bend, with your knees directly over your hips. Lift your chest and your head off the mat a few inches. Using your core, rotate to the RIGHT, as if you were trying to touch your LEFT elbow to your RIGHT knee. At the same time, extend your LEFT leg out straight to hover over the mat. Come back into the center with your knees over your hips, and repeat on the other side. Complete 10 repetitions on each side.
(Your Next Workout: 44 Resistance Band Exercises to Tone Every Inch)
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